Keyword : Urbanisation

Know the 10 megatrends that are shaping our world

It’d be truism to say that the world of the future is being shaped right now. Which are the big factors that can help figure out what would be the shape of things to come? Harinder S Kohli, f

Peri-urban areas losing access to water due to urbanisation, says research

A new research supported by international development research centre (IDRC) has shown that peri-urban areas lose access to their water sources due to growing urbanisation. The research was

On the edge: Not city, not village

Indian cities have been growing exponentially. As modern urban citizens, we give little thought to the dynamics of this expansion. Mainstream thinking focuses on the imperatives of creating

Restating the Indian urban problem one more time anew

Here’s a quick brainteaser. Where is the world’s largest mass migration ever in human history taking place? No, it’s not from Syria, Iraq or Afghanistan to Europe. No again. It&rs

Quantum urbanism: Step one, dismantle systems thinking once and for all

Feel your favourite city. The words that typically come to your mind are liberally fused with adjectives in a valiant effort to give shape to our deeply felt emotions. It is quite common to find de

Quantum urbanism, step two, let it roll counterintuitively

Only that exceptional logician and philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein could have brought forth the limitations of human intellect in such a pithy and matter of fact manner: the limits of my language a

Transforming jobs into work & why it’s good for us and the earth

We are already in an age where some people have a job, some have work and a lucky few have both. ‘Job’ and ‘work’ are used interchangeably. Within a fast changing urban cont

Urban planning: In the right direction?

Over the last decade, Chennai has been witnessing an unprecedented increase in urban population and a large expansion of industrial areas in its suburban regions. This expansion has largely been un

Feeding yourself in the city of the future: Food as urban sovereignty

We rarely think of food as a viewpoint. We understand the world of food, but not so much its worldview. Everything that we consider as food has a rich context that’s one part history, one par

Moving beyond weekend entertainment and global tourism

Two conversations in two different countries with two different people unearthed a fundamental question about leisure and relaxation. I was in Singapore last month and was travelling by train with

Rethinking shelter for people and communities

In the final analysis almost all of politics and most of economics are connected to three critical human needs: food, clothing and shelter. In India we know it quite intimately having seeped deep i

Moving people, not cars: The future of mobility and urban life

The recent tragedy at the Elphinstone Road suburban railway overpass in Mumbai is a symptom of a larger and deep-rooted malaise that can directly be traced back to the way we see our city as segmen

Energy as the new value system for redesigning daily life

Remember Kardashev scale? For the uninitiated, it’s a method of measuring a civilization’s level of technological advancement, based on the amount of energy it is able to use for commun

Advocating for Cities Where the Poor and Women Count

The Citymakers: How Women Are Building a Sustainable Future for Urban India, published by Hachette India this month, narrates the genesis and journey of the

Why India needs a national urban policy

India’s Blind Spot: Understanding and Managing Our Cities By Devashish Dhar HarperCollins, 408 pages, Rs. 899.00 Indian policy has been

Visionary Talk: Amitabh Gupta, Pune Police Commissioner with Kailashnath Adhikari, MD, Governance Now


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