Keyword : TS Thakur

CJI turns defensive on Modi`s court holidays remark

he debate over the practice of summer vacations in Indian judiciary system was once again raked up when Chief Justice of India Tirath Singh Thakur stood in a defensive mode against prime minister N

To be on vacation or not to be is the question

The debate over the practice of summer vacations in the Indian judiciary has been reignited after the chief justice of India, Tirath Singh Thakur, stood in a defensive mode against prime minister N

Judiciary summer breaks: The jury is out

“My Lords, yours is a strange world indeed. Your year comprises of five months, your week comprises of five days and your day comprises of five hours.”  It

Allahabad high court judges to work during summer vacation

As many as 68 of the 79 sitting judges of the high court here as well as those at the Lucknow bench have given their consent to a proposal by chief justice DY Chandrachud to utilise the summer va

Executive-judiciary conflict violates spirit of NJAC verdict

On October 16, the supreme court quashed the National Judicial Appointments Commission (NJAC) Act but set the ground for reform in the judiciary-led collegium system of appointment of judges.

Visionary Talk: Amitabh Gupta, Pune Police Commissioner with Kailashnath Adhikari, MD, Governance Now


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