There has been a sudden revival of “nationalism” – at least of one version of it, and yet it is difficult to imagine that not long ago, one of the prime symbols of nationalism was
The call of the muezzin and chiming temple bells break the stillness of air over Ganga as Rehaan Hasan wakes up for the day. Now in his sixties – he does not know his exact age – Rehaan
As many as 46 sites in India, including cities, monuments and archaeological sites are on the UNESCO`s tentative list awaiting world heritage status. Here is a list of five heritage sites in India
The clock has just struck 6 pm. The blazing sun has already disappeared behind the mango groves and thick clouds envelop the sky. The call for azaan from a nearby mosque shatters the silence of the
Jobs for 1 crore people, mostly women will be created in three years along with an investment of Rs 74,000 crores from a special package for textile and apparel sector, approved by the cabinet on W
(1) The figures of khadi production and sales given by the KVIC chairman are in nominal terms, whereas we include the real value of production and sales in our paper. The same nominal figures, avai
The fixed term employment has been introduced in apparel manufacturing sector in Industrial Employment (Standing Order) Act through an October 7 notification of the labour ministry. The decision wo
There are two kinds of acts from the so-called fringe elements of the BJP: one embarrasses only the secular-liberals but resonates well with the party’s core constituency, and the other embar