Keyword : Malnutrition

Every second tribal child in India is undernourished

About 5.5 million tribal children are malnourished in India. According to United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) report, every second tribal child in India is undernourished.

The Economist’s politics

India’s malnutrition is back in international news, and for rather intriguing reasons. Some nasty articles have appeared in one of the most prestigious international magazines, the Economist

People seek answers from district admin for food security lapses

Jharkhand has reached a make-or-break point in the battle against hunger. For the first time, the National Food Security Act (NFSA) makes it possible to ensure that no one sleeps on an empty stomac

Poorest states make headway towards food security

Eastern India, “the world capital of malnutrition”, has reached a make-or-break point in the battle against hunger. For the first time, the National Food Security Act (NFSA) makes it po

Maharashtra horror: 740 tribal students died in last 10 years

 As many as 740 students of residential schools in tribal areas have died in Maharashtra in the past 10 years, revealed an internal report of the state tribal development department.

How tribal infants are dying of malnutrition in Palghar

On a cloudy afternoon in the last days of September, a five-watt bulb hangs inside a kuchha hut in Kalamwadi village, somewhere deep in a tribal area of Palghar district, Maharashtra. The flickerin

“There is no check on quality of education and food provided at ashram schools”

The death of more than 200 tribal children in Palghar this year once again highlights the deep-rooted problem of malnutrition among children, especially the tribal ones. Most tribal children go

This week`s important reads

A number of tribal kids are dying of malnutrition in Palghar district, Maharashtra. Lack of basic facilities like roads, water, healthcare and employment is also not helping.

Malnutrition a serious challenge: WEF report

The triple burden of malnutrition – undernourishment, micronutrient deficiencies and over-nutrition – presents serious challenges and has the potential to worsen. Nearly 800 million p

What’s bad is better than what’s at home

Food is ready to be served on a plastic sheet laid on the floor. Children and mothers (pregnant and lactating) eagerly wait to get something down in their bellies. But before that begins, anganwadi

Stories you must read over the weekend

  The nutrition crisis continues to stare at us, despite the fact that India is the fastest growing large economy today. In running after GDP growth, the human development index

How to put India ‘on course’ to fight malnutrition

It is not surprising that the Global Nutrition Report 20161 places India ‘off course’ for all nutrition indicators, with some progress in stunting and underweight, and none a

Automation replacing workforce; fighting malnutrition; new mental health law

At Raymond Limited’s modern textile facility in Vapi, whenever a supervisor has to check up on the looms, he doesn’t go walking around the factory floor asking the workers. He just look

Per capita disease burden has gone down in India: Study

Per capita disease burden measured as disability-adjusted life-years (DALY) rate has dropped by about a third in India over the past 26 years, said a Lancet study. The study “N

The beginning of real loss

She is tall, skinny and dark-complexioned. She sports a tattoo of lines and dots on her forehead, as if displaying a hieroglyphic text. Her neck is laden with beaded jewellery and a thick, rusted i

Are we seriously fighting malnutrition?

It did not surprise me when the India: health of the nation’s states, the India state-level disease burden initiative report released recently reported malnutrition the prime risk factor driv

Malnutrition sapping India’s strength

The country is facing a problem of malnutrition, so much so that prime minister Narendra Modi had to personally take stock of the situation. Modi on Friday reviewed the progress and

City woes in the forest

It’s a Friday, the day of the weekly market, or haat, in Bichhiya, on the outskirts of the Kanha tiger reserve, where the Baiga, Gond and Agariya tribals of the region congregate to sell and

Nutrition mission or a mission for measurement of malnutrition?

The union cabinet has approved setting up of a National Nutrition Mission (NNM) with a three-year budget of Rs 9,046.17 crore commencing from 2017-18, states a press release of December 1, 2017.

India loses 4% of GDP to malnutrition, say experts ahead of budget

Nearly 4 percent of India’s GDP is estimated to have been lost due to malnutrition and certainly women and children deserve a better deal in expenditure outlay, since the country hosts 50 per

Why data is the new oil

What gets measured gets improved.” These words were said by the great management guru Peter Drucker decades ago. But they are relevant even today. Data has emerged as the new oil in this era.

Tackling malnourishment in India: a matter of palpable urgency

Good nutrition is crucial to individual and national development, and is one critical area where India’s progress is slow even after nearly a half-century of respectable agricultural producti

A maker and marker of development

The fifth edition of the Global Nutrition Report was released in Bangkok, Thailand, on November 29, 2018 during the event titled ‘Accelerating the end of hunger and malnutrition’, which

For a healthy tomorrow

When Dr Shruti Kamdi (pictured on left), a transfusion specialist at a leading Mumbai hospital, had her first child, she struggled to nurse her baby as she was unable to secrete enough milk. Admitt

Not enough for the kids

The nation is virtually in election mode, and political parties are busy thinking up campaign strategies. But have MPs been making a mark in their constituencies? A study of malnutrition indicators

India bears double burden of malnutrition: study

One in three children under five years of age in India is stunted and one in five children under five years is wasted. Stunting prevalence of10.1% is higher in rural than in urban areas. India expe

Exclusive Breastfeeding? Yes. Effective Breastfeeding? No. What to do?

Our hearts almost skipped a beat when we heard community health officer (CHO) Dr. Sandeep Kakuste’s success story with baby Pinki Lakhan Patil, who was born underweight in a brick kiln. Pinki

Reducing malnutrition numbers

When I sit and look back at data-driven policy, it makes me content and makes me uncomfortable at the same time. Content? Why? Because data would ultimately help me target the problem in a better m

Visionary Talk: Amitabh Gupta, Pune Police Commissioner with Kailashnath Adhikari, MD, Governance Now


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