The contentious land bill, officially known as Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Bill, is meeting stiff opposition from all most secti
Just when did Dr Raghuram Rajan’s equations with the new government start going downhill? In hindsight, there will be many remarks and decisions that will fit the bill. A speech at IIT Delhi
It is prime minister Narendra Modi all the way in the 2017 calendar released by the government of India. It is akin to sycophancy displayed by Congress leader Dev Kant Barooah who pr
The civil society has strongly criticized the Narendra Modi government that completes three years in office.
When it comes to Narendra Modi and, by extension, his four years at the helm so far, people tend to react sharply, putting objectivity aside. Yet, one objective statement that can be made as his go
When numbers forced prime minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee to demit office on the thirteenth day, he delivered a memorable speech in the Lok Sabha, ending on a trademark wave of his hand and saying th
The centre has given the green signal for regularisation of pay scales of board level executives in National Hydroelectric Power Corporation Ltd (NHPC), North East Electric Power Corporation (NEEPC
Mahatma Gandhi said, “It is health that is real wealth and not pieces of gold and silver.” Development of the health sector from primary up to the tertiary sector in an economy triggers
The new world is aggressively batting for individual rights and self-determination. As the society is evolving for the better, we see a more assertive Indian coming to the fore. An Indian who has h