The government has asked state-run Power Finance Corp (PFC) and Rural Electrification Corp (REC) to focus on funding renewable energy projects. The minister for power, coal, renewab
Corporate sourcing of renewable energy can be a major driver of the transition to a robust, zero-emissions economy, said a report released to coincide with the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting i
An AC microgrid test bed of 110 KWp solar photo voltaic (PV) has been installed and commissioned at NTPC Energy Technology Research Alliance (NETRA), the R&D arm of NTPC.
BEML, a mini ratna category-1 enterprise of the defence ministry, has set a target of using 100 percent renewable energy for its own consumption.
India is planning to establish a voluntary carbon market with World Bank assistance with focus on areas that are not covered, union minister for environment, forest and climate change, Dr. Ha
National thermal power corporation (NTPC) has recorded 12.55 percent growth in power generation in August over corresponding period of last fiscal. A total of 22.347 billion u
A NITI Aayog report says India has the potential to save about $60 billion in petrol and diesel costs if it goes in a big way for electric vehicles. There are challenges, no doubt; but the advantag
A total of 31.67 GW of renewable energy capacity has been installed through implementation of various renewable energy schemes and programmes in the last three years in the country.
With about 23 million passengers on an average day, the Indian Railways itself is the size of a small country. When India plans to significantly increase the share of renewable energy in its cons
The government has said that state-run BHEL and Libcoin are in talks to form a world class consortium to initially build 1 GWh (Gigawatt hours) lithium ion battery plant in India. The plant’s
Maharatna enterprise BHEL has decided to build a network of solar-based electric vehicle chargers (SEVC) on the Delhi-Chandigarh highway. The project is covered under the FAME scheme (faster adopti
With renewable energy catching up with conventional power in India due to a host of positive developments, its share in the energy mix is continuously rising. From 13 percent in 2013, it has crosse
The centre has approved the ministry of new and renewable energy’s proposal for implementation of the central public sector undertakings (CPSUs) scheme phase two for setting up 12,000 MW grid
India has been witnessing a sluggish demand growth for power amidst COVID-19. It has affected both thermal as well as renewable energy (RE) sector. While thermal sector (coal) plant load factor (PL
On April 4, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) released its 6th Assessment Report that discusses its findings to mitigate the impact of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The report
The government of India has decided to invite bids for 50 GW of renewable energy capacity annually for the next five years – from Financial Year 2023-24 till Financial Year 2027-28. These ann
As India accelerates its transition towards a sustainable future, its renewable energy (RE) sector has witnessed unprecedented growth. In 2024, the country made significant strides in solar and win