Keyword : Employment Exchange

Unemployed exchanges

Over six decades ago, in 1954, six friends were walking past Agra’s iconic hotel, The Grand Imperial, when they noticed ‘Rojgar ka Daftar’ written in bold letters on a building on

In search of work

From those born in the 1970s to the ones born in the late 90s, from an 8th passed to one with a doctorate, from a security guard to a sales executive, the Delhi job fair held in Thyagraj stadium on

Rebooting employment exchanges

The Nobel Prize in economics of 2010 that went to Peter Diamond and colleagues. Their work on search costs in labour markets provided the theoretical justification for government-operated employmen

"The only fallback was SMEs, but policies have choked them.”

A slowdown in the Indian economy and jobless growth have made the future seem bleak for many young Indians. Pronab Sen, country director of the International Growth Centre’s central team

Private sector hiring may look up in next fiscal: ASSOCHAM

The hiring outlook in the private sector is expected to stay muted till beginning of fiscal 2018-19, an ASSOCHAM assessment based on its feedback from members has indicated. "T

India to have National Employment Policy

An inter-ministerial committee has been constituted to draft the National Employment Policy and consultations have been held with various stakeholders including ministries, state governments, trade

18.9 million people to be unemployed by 2019

There are going to be 18.9 million unemployed people in the country by 2019, parliament was informed. Union minister Santosh Kumar Gangwar said that the International Labour Organisa

Visionary Talk: Amitabh Gupta, Pune Police Commissioner with Kailashnath Adhikari, MD, Governance Now


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