The combined effects of growing populations, rising incomes, and expanding cities will see demand for water rising exponentially, while supply becomes more erratic and uncertain, the World Bank rep
“The world has enough for everyone’s needs, but not everyone’s greed.”
One billion people will be facing severe water shortage in India and neighbouring areas by 2050 thanks to climate change and expansion of economic growth, according to a projection made by the rese
Are you aware of the MIT study which projects acute water stress in India 35 years from now? Why wait for 35 years? Even now 11 states are facing a water eme
Here is no water but only rock, Rock and no water and the sandy road. The road winding above among the mountains, Which are mountains of rock without water.
Of the many thought-provoking stories by literary legend Premchand, there is one about a landlord’s arrogance and water scarcity. It is titled ‘Thakur ka Kuan’ (the landlord&rsquo
India along with the rest of the world is facing an acute water scarcity, a crisis that is deepening with each passing year and now posing a threat to the world economy. A World Bank
“In Maharashtra the water scarcity has already turned into a water crisis and is fast progressing towards a water famine,” said Yogendra Yadav of Swaraj Abhiyan after completing 1
What if there was a law for optimum use of water, conservation of rivers and underground water? It would have battled the water crisis in different regions of the country.
The air is cool and humid. Early morning drizzle has weakened the scorching June sun. Amidst the lush greens of the Mehrauli Archaeological Park, the 16th century stepwell called Rajon ki Baoli is
Water is an essential element for the sustenance of life. It is chiefly for this reason that the effective management of this precious resource is vital. With advancements in science and technology
India is facing its ‘worst’ water crisis in history, according to the government’s think-tank NITI Aayog’s Composition Water Management Index (CWMI) report. Moreover, by 203
The flagship scheme of the central government on rural drinking water supply – National Rural Drinking Water Programme (previously known as Accelerated Rural Water Supply Programme) – h