Keyword : Happiness

Young Indians happier than most youngsters across the world: Survey

Indian young people were second most likely to say they are ‘very happy’ with their lives in an international poll. Twenty nine percent said they were very happy with their lives and 51

“The idea of having a department of happiness is completely bogus”

Peter Ronald deSouza is a professor at the Centre for the Study of Developing Societies (CSDS), Delhi, and held the Dr S Radhakrishnan Chair of Rajya Sabha till April 2017. He works on issues o

A happy tale of a tail

There’s a story about seeking happiness that goes like this. A dog has an epiphany that happiness lies in its tail. So it begins an endless quest, moving in circles, chasing its tail but neve

A department of joy

How to put a finger on that elusive thing called happiness? Well, for a beginning, you could set up a department, as the Madhya Pradesh government has done, the first (and only one) of its kind in

“Govts can provide proper conditions that facilitate individual well-being”

Matthieu Ricard, 71, was dubbed the world’s happiest man after scientists carried out intensive research on him as he meditated. He is an author and holds a PhD in molecular genetics. Yet

Bhutan and the pursuit of happiness

While researching a book I was writing on Bhutan, my cousin passed along Eric Weiner’s Geography of Bliss. Published in 2007, the book is a series of articles on different countries, most of

Aadhaar`s safety; Jay Panda`s exclusive interview; Sand mining and a dept of happiness

Aadhaar has been designed as a digital identity platform, which is inclusive, unique and authenticable to participate in any digital transaction. This has transformed service delivery in our countr

Happy schooling

The curriculum at schools can be quite intimidating for students, except perhaps for the brightest. The Delhi government hopes to change that by introducing happiness as a subject to be taught at i

If you’re happy and you know it...

Finland has emerged as the world’s happiest country, as per the World Happiness Report 2018. The report has ranked 156 countries by their happiness levels, and 117 countries by the happiness

Why India’s ranking on Happiness Index has been falling

The World Happiness Report, one of the best tools for evaluating global happiness, is based on how ecstatic people perceive themselves to be. It considers six characteristics to rank countries on o

To improve India’s happiness ranking, learn from the states

The World Happiness Report 2022 ranks India at 136th position, or tenth from the bottom of the list. Among 146 countries, Finland tops the list, followed by Denmark, Iceland, Switzerland, the Nethe

Why Dalai Lama, Desmond Tutu are the two most joyful people on the planet

“Deep down we grow in kindness, when our kindness is tested.” ‘The Book of Joy’ (first published in 2016) introduces two prominent personalities, the

John Maynard Keynes and the difficulty of escaping old ideas

The Power of Thoughts By Swami Mukundananda Penguin Random House India, 282 pages World-renowned spiritual teacher and bestselling author Swami Mu

The Art of Empathy and Compassion

The Happiness Story By Savi Sharma HarperCollins, 304 pages, Rs 299

A fairly reasonable way to solve problems, personal and global

Reason to Be Happy: Why logical thinking is the key to a better life By Kaushik Basu Torva/Transworld, 224 pages

Seven Steps to Happiness

The Science of Happiness By Bruce Hood Simon & Schuster, 272 pages

The Matter of the Heart: How to keep it happy

Just One Heart: A Cardiologist`s Guide to Healing, Health and Happiness By Dr Jonathan Fisher HarperCollins, 316 pages, Rs 499

Visionary Talk: Amitabh Gupta, Pune Police Commissioner with Kailashnath Adhikari, MD, Governance Now


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